Saturday 22 December 2007

The Retcon of Sparacus!!

Yes, the creator of Ben "Why Does No One Love Me?" Chatham has finally given a definitive statement of his first magnum opus "The Sparacus Season". For those who don't know, Spara's first Ben Chatham saga was a tale of fourteen-and-a-half synopses which he claims occur between the end of RTD's The Christmas Invasion and the first scene of RTD's New Earth. There are, however, a few basic flaws in the claim these are canonical missing adventures, most notably...
  • Captain Jack Harkness travelling with the Tenth Doctor and then leaving of his own free will to join T0rchwood, an organisation the Time Lord wholeheartedly approves and has on speed dial
  • Henry Van Statten and Adam Mitchell becoming a Cyber-pimp and eco warrior respectively. In 2005, seven years before they appeared in the show.
  • The Master surviving the Time War, reincarnated as Ross Kemp, and then being killed off screen by the reapers
  • Jackie Tyler dying of a GM-apple induced brain tumor, causing Rose to leave the Doctor forever.
Finally, Sparacus has made the following statement.

"The Chatham adventures conflict with the series on a few occasions, but this can be solved. Ben returned to Cambridge, hence his lack of appearance in New Earth. Sarah Jane is not a full-time history teacher, ergo her being a journalist in School Reunion. The 2012 problem is easily rectified. Ben was allowed to attempt to save Richard III because the Doctor did not want to disillusion him, unlike Rose. Jackie's illness was never mentioned in the series, despite it being a major event, because people don't wany (sic) to upset her by mentioning it. There are other matters, that are easily re-written. These are only first drafts that can be changed easily and can easily be cleaned up by a bit of rewriting. Not that I will do it."

Thus, we can reveal the RETCONNED Ben Chatham Timeline!

The fully-regenerated Doctor and Rose meet Ben Chatham and think he's wonderful and clever. They make him a companion. The rest is a rip off of Midsummer Murders.

The TARDIS visits Stonehenge. Sarah Jane Smith is working part time as a history teacher, but she doesn't meet the Doctor, Rose or Ben.

The Gelth-rip off Zelans kill some space pirates. The TARDIS crew refused to get involved. Ben deems this a moral victory.

Some aliens try to turn a bunch of 1969 hippies into a war fleet. Rose is not the biggest slut of all time.

The Brigadier is not a Cornish squire and has nothing to do with a Boomtown-rip off. At all. David Bowie is still involved. But not Adam Mitchell.

Rose goes psycho, but Jackie and Mickey do not meet the Tenth Doctor or Ben for the first time. They do not meet Ben at all. They're not even in this. A spider is murdered for the greater good.

In this version, the Doctor loves Ben so much he allows him to attempt to save Richard III from dying on Bosworth field. In this version, Ben has a good reason to do so.

The TARDIS lands on a planet with some aliens. Captain Jack does not appear.

Jackie has a major illness which doesn't effect her in any way. Ben is present for UNIT blowing up Albion Hospital and becomes famous.

The Master is not back, nor does Ben have anything to do with Hitler. Ergo, something else happens.

Van Statten is not involved with a Cyberman invasion of 2005 by GM crops. Jackie does not die. Something else happens, and Rose does not leave.

Jackie is not dead, Mickey does not join a cult, the Doctor, Rose and Ben do not discover this from Mickey's sister, Ben leaves the TARDIS and no one cares enough to mention it ever at all. In this version the story is actually finished.

This is the next canonical Ben adventure, when he meets the Tenth Doctor and Donna. Who don't recognize him.


Oh well.


Anonymous said...

You have far too much time on your hands don't you....

Youth of Australia said...

What makes you think that?

Just cause you can't come up with stuff like this in five minutes, don't drag the rest down to your sluggish speed. Such a pity you're too busy to use a name, huh?

Anonymous said...

I am very busty yes...

Anonymous said...

And my name is Pat, hi!

Youth of Australia said...

Well, then. When you post here, type in "Busty Pat" into the Nickname window, so we know who we're talking to.

Anonymous said...

Will do...