I've never had to do this before, and frankly can't believe I'm doing this but well. My trusted confidantes reveal to me that Spara's Ghost of Weatherfield thread has been deleted on OG - apparently it contains his charming views on childcare, now up on his blog, so that might be why it went. Anyway, the point is before my sources could get me the latest part of Ghosts, the thread vanished. And thus, I am unable to truly continue my work on a parody. I know. I'm sorry.
But, if anyone out there managed to save a copy of part 4 for whatever reason, you know to send it here.
(If I thought Spara had a copy of it, I might ask him...)
Anyway, if you want to find out what happens to the spirit of Britney Chatham, whether or not Tom joins the TARDIS crew, or if Lano and Woodley sing a song about Edward Hitler as Sam Tyler arrests Gary Strang for drunk and disorderly, you'll want to help.
And if you don't, do it anyway. Remember the indifferent samaritan:

Do a good deed, I don't care...
Meanwhile, Spara has updated his blog. No longer does it "set the standards", but also "tells it like it is", baby! There are plenty of links beyond absinthe, OG, and Rickitt - newts, Sky and Coronation Street can be found, plus a pictorial essay on the BC cast, and endless vids of Bowie, Rickitt, Dead Ringers and Johnstone 666's Ben Shatham vids. Now the blog admits its new "social end of the cleansing scale" manifesto, and that any "dissenting" posts will be automatically deleted, I beg everyone to avoid posting a comment. With the exception of Spara's new poll, which has given the following names for "your favourite character in the Ben Chatham spin-off adventures?"
The options -
- Ben Chatham
- Katie Ryan
- Kyle
- Chiara
- Anselm
- Corrine Shaw
- Paul Farraday
- Genna Miles
What is this travesty? And why is Ben in the list? He doesn't count, as he's a character (supposedly) from Doctor Who? Why are Genna and Chiara, two one off girls Ben treated badly in the list? Why not Charles Broxby, the man Ben stalked for two years? Karl Simpson? Jake Simmonds? K9? SPARTHA JONES!! And why haven't Stephen Poole, WOTAN, BOSS, Adolf Hitler and Alistair Miles made an appearance?
Doesn't Spara remember any other characters? Or is he totally dependant on Jared's BC Archive? YOU DECIDE!
update: Well, bugger me sideways and call me an amateur archaeologist, Spara has uploaded "enhanced versions" of his story up on OG - is this connected to the fact that he has seemingly quit from the forum? Who can tell? You can tell? And you're telling me stop? Yehz bahz, getting right back to Goats of Emmerdale...
I still want the original part four, though.
Another update:just ignore me, I got it all. Thank you, Shitsu Tonka!! Sorry, I meant 'Sparacus'.
What happened to your version of "Ghosts of Weatherfield?" Was it deleted before it was finished just to make it a bit more like the original?
Hah! I wish I'd thought of that!
No, I just clicked "edit" to add the latest stuff by Spara, but was unable to finish it so I clicked "save as", so the story has temporarily vanished, but still exists in the Blog-Sphere.
When it's finished, I'll click "PUBLISH POST" and it will reappear in all its glory.
Hi "folks". Some of you Chathamaniacs will know me from the Doctor Who Forum, where I recently became Ms. Brenda Pid. As I'm still suspended from the DWF for the next 3 days, my good friend Dan has keen keeping me abreast of the latest developments, & I'm pleased to hear both from him & this blog that 'Ghosts Of Weatherfield' got deleted by admin shortly after the fracas between Sparacus & myself.
I'll hold my hands up & admit that the DWF were right to suspend my account for the week beginning Saturday March 1 following some of the things I said. But Sparacus' ignorance was shining through, like it often does, but this time on a topic close to my heart & one that I KNOW he is clueless about & which I am considerably knowledgable: parenting.
For a single, childless, homosexual 40-something man to claim that raising children is something on the level of looking after goldfish was very offensive to me, a father of a 5-year old girl. While I know I violated the CoC in my responses, I'm still happy to have told Mark (sorry, ****) EXACTLY what I think about him & his blinkered take on life, & the revelation that, upon the deletion of 'Ghosts' he threw his toys from the pram & disappeared for 3 days, does seem to offer a glimmer of hope to those, like me, who may have believed that, as god a forum as the DWF is, it clamps down too heavily on insults, yet fails to punish those who dress up their offensive behaviour behind banal opinions & rotten creative writing.
A small victory for me, & I will be back on Saturday. Not in the Myth Makers board though, at least not until I feel I can co-exist with Sparacus again without wanting to bollock him out some more. That may be never, it may be next week, I don't know.
Hello to Shatham readers who visit this blog. Thanks for your e-mails, YOA, good to hear from the man behind all this, & Spara, if you're reading, way to save face with your "blog exclusive" Part 5, Mark.. sorry, mate!
Only just found out from Spara's blog that a handful of the Myth Makers regulars, including Spara himself & one of his most loyal bootlickers Lemon Bloody Cola, got banned after the Friday night debacle.
I don't know whether this will spell the end of Shatham at the Doctor Who Forum; my guess is he'll be back there eventually. Good news? Bad news? I don't know, I'm still wary of going into the Myth Makers now as I'm apprently on my final warning, but we'll see how it goes after Saturday...
I'm surprised the mods haven't done anything to me...
Sparacus is back on the Forum.
I weep.
Gosh, I wish I knew what was going on. I was under the impression those banned were banned forever... now it was just for a week? Or just for some other brief period? Briefer than forever?
Sparacus is back on the Forum.
There's not justyce in the world.
Who am I kidding? I just have to wait for my cookies to forget I'm logged into the forum and then my vengeance REALLY begins...
I'm guessing that Spara's DWF ban was shorter than mine, for instance, because he had less previous warnings than I did.
I'm only on my 4th & final warning now because former Outpost Gallifrey admin Benjamin Adams totally got the wrong end of the stick in a Never Mind The Buzzcocks thread; really it should only be 2 previous warnings before "Sparagate".
Plus, I can't even remember what my first warning was for...
Plus, I can't even remember what my first warning was for...
Well, I was given a final warning then banned later that day. And I did nothing at all wrong between the warning and the banning. I was thrown out thanks to some backstabbing slanderer - and it wasn't Sparacus, if anyone was thinking that.
The day before Rise of the Cybermen was shown...
It gets worse and wrose...
And Corrine & Paul from Operation Delta will reappear in 'crystal'.
Hmmm. That could be tricky, since I made them a dream.
OTOH, facing Chatham with the TRUTH could be a lot more fun...
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