Friday 31 August 2007

WHAT Gay Agenda?!

In order to balance an entire blog's worth of Ben's shameful homophobia, mysogeny, and all round spinelessness it was decided to enforce a positive message for all the gay folk out there - and this is dedicated to Auntie Robbie and Auntie Rosie who I knew, as a child, were not actually related. And good for them.

And so, to balance out all that gratuitous Chatham the Scumbag action, I give you some gratuitious girl-on-girl action involving Cora Destrii of the Dreilyn and Rose Marion Tyler of the Powell Estate instead.


Who needs a plot?


Jared "No Nickname" Hansen said...

Why does Rose look so evil in the first panel?

I do think the picture will work well as a brain-bleach substitute for now, though..

Youth of Australia said...

Why does Rose look so evil in the first panel?
Mistake. I drew that with a ballpoint on the table before me.

I was trying to get her toothy grin across... I dunno, maybe she just thinks Cora's hot?

I do think the picture will work well as a brain-bleach substitute for now, though..
I tried another sketch, but it didn't work out... Cora ended up looking like Charley Pollard.